CCC Costa Rica
e-NEWS from the Tenorios
Dear Friends and supporters,
These are the highlights in our life and ministry during February, March and April. We praise the Lord for His love and His work in our midst. Please let us know if you’d like further details.
As a result of the planning time we had at the beginning of the year, in alignment with our vision of glorifying God by having Christ centered movements in Costa Rica, we and our team have decided to focus our efforts during this year in 3 main areas:
• Developing our staff and Crusade members
• Evangelism focused on leaders at the University
• Developing resources for the ministry and the staff
On February we had the visit of David and Jane Jenkins, from Denver Colorado. They wanted to help us with our ministry and came to serve in Costa Rica for a week. They provided a 3-day seminar for couples, it was a very interactive and fun time where we all learned a lot, and we had 3 soon to be married couples attending as well. Also, David, who is a professional counselor in the USA, gave us (the staff) a general overview and advice on counseling, so that we have more tools when we disciple or advice others.
Our Campus team is formed by the 2 other campus staff, 7 leader students and us. We all met to plan in alignment with our vision to have movements at the University of Costa Rica (UCR).
We have seen the Lord’s hand and work in the motivation and hard work of the staff and students involved, the permit that the University granted for us to reserve a classroom for the meetings this semester, and the new students that are starting to show up and show interest.
As part of our strategy, we want to reach the student leaders of the UCR. Carlos has been meeting with Isaac, the student board’ president of the University of Costa Rica. Isaac has enjoyed the material that Carlos has shared with him so far and the help offered in developing others who serve with him.
We had a group from the US who came to help us evangelize at the University of Costa Rica for 3 days.
This happened at a very strategic time, at the beginning of the school year in March. Their help ended in many new believers, but also in contacts that are now helping actively with the Campus Ministry.
We had the visit of 2 US Campus leaders who came to plan with us a Summer Project, of about 14 students and staff from the US. They will come in June to help us evangelize at the University and start movements of followers of Jesus. This will be the first Summer Project we have had in over 6 years. We are grateful for the extra help, for what the Lord will do in them and through them, and for new friends. We pray that at least one or two of them will come back to serve in our Ministry for 2 years.
During Easter week, 5 of us attended a Campus Conference in Mexico; there were representatives of 6 of the countries in our Area. We followed up on the Leadership training we had in Nicaragua in January, we learned from Mexico’s Campus Ministry and we also had great fellowship with our Central American brothers and sisters.
Bill and Sandy Davidson are in charge of showing the Jesus film for children in the public schools of Costa Rica. Unfortunately, during the last couple of years we have had some opposition by a catholic leader in the Education Department; this hasn’t stop the project, but it has reduced the number of children exposed to the Gospel. In February, Carlos and Bill went to Honduras to meet with Cardinal Rodríguez, who was one of the top 5 candidates for the Pope’s successor. Cardinal Rodríguez liked the film and the work that it’s being done in Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Panama (in fact he asked Carlos and Bill to do something like it in Honduras!). The Cardinal provided them with a letter giving his full support and recommending its use in the schools. First door opened.
In March, Carlos and Bill went to talk to Bishop Ulloa in Costa Rica (who is the superior of the person opposing to the project). Last week the Bishop also gave his approval on showing this film in the Public Schools of Costa Rica! Praise God for another door opened.
• For Samuel, a new member in the Crusade Family, Katia & Ronald’s baby.
• For my sister, Marcela, and her marriage to Steven last March 4th.
• God’s faithfulness, we’ve had a couple of hard months financially, but the Lord has been faithful and He keeps providing
for all of our needs.
• For the 4-day weekend vacation that we had in March and for the friend who encouraged us to take them and helped pay
for them.
• For the office supplies and equipment that the Lord has provided.
• For Marcela and Steven’s marriage; especially that it will be founded and strengthened by their faith in Christ.
• For the Ministry at the UCR, for us to reach key leaders on campus who will help us lead movements everywhere to
transform our society for Christ
• For our personal financial support, and for the financial support of our staff and our Ministry.
• For the Lord to start providing funds or a loan for Tatiana and Carlos to purchase a home.
If you would like to contribute for Carlos and Tatiana’s personal support, please make checks payable to "Campus Crusade for Christ", specifying the gift is for account # 2480410 (Tenorios) and send them to: CCC, PO Box 628222 Orlando Florida 32862- 9841. All gifts are tax deductible.
If you would like to contribute to Campus Crusade Costa Rica, please make checks payable to "Campus Crusade for Christ", specifying the gift is for account # 2276830 (CCC Costa Rica) and send them to: CCC, PO Box 628222 Orlando Florida 32862- 9841. Gifts are tax deductible.
E-Mails: Carlos' tenomora@racsa.co.cr Tatiana's tatipaniagua@racsa.co.cr
Mailing address (P.O. Box): Apartado 1500-1100 Tibás, Costa Rica
Phone numbers: (506) 842-2197, (506) 384-8575
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